There’s a fun site I found recently…

I’m not endorsed in any way by this site or any other things I’ve shared so far, I just thought it’d help you guys/girls stay less bored! Have fun on the site if you choose to look at it.

There’s a site called “Santharia” that I recently rediscovered. It has a couple of games based in an original fantasy world, but that isn’t the main focus of the site. You see, the site itself is essentially a bunch of articles about the fantasy world, complete with songs (Some with MP3s, some with just lyrics), plant and animal life, history (With timelines!) and a bunch of other things. It’s pretty fun to look at, at least in my opinion. You can spend hours there and not see everything ^_^

It’s past midnight here, so I should probably get some sleep, if possible. I hope you enjoyed this post!~


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