50th Post!!! (9/26/2020)

So, today is the 50th post on this blog! That’s a pretty big accomplishment, at least for me. I’m not sure what exactly to say, but if you’ve been here a while, thank you! I really appreciate it! If you’re just now arriving on this blog, welcome and enjoy your stay!

Anyway, I have been in bed a lot due to being sick, but that just led me to finding a ton of games that you guys might be interested in! Remember how I said before that I was planning on reviewing a ton of games? Well, I’m starting that again. This is the first post!

Game 1: Child of Light (For the PSVita)

I recently rediscovered my PSVita a while ago after getting this game from my mom. It’s a pretty good game that takes place in a fantasy world called Lemuria. It centers around a little girl named Aurora who dies and is reborn in this fantasy world, which is kind of sad but overall an interesting plot point for a game in my opinion. It’s seen a lot in anime, but I don’t really know if it’s in a lot of games. The only other one I can think of is an old Xbox 360 game called “Eternal Sonata”.

Without revealing too much, the game has a main couple of villains who you only really encounter later in the game, the main heroine (Aurora), and her companions. You recruit the companions throughout the game. Some are from the circus that passed through recently, others are traders and merchants, etc. Your characters each have specific abilities that are good against certain enemies, so you have to swap them out for more than just leveling.

In addition to the characters and battles, there’s also a system where you move around a wisp-like creature with one stick and Aurora with the other stick. The wisp can be used to solve puzzles and pick up certain items, while Aurora mostly functions as a general game character would. Oh, and she can fly by a certain point in the game, so that’s pretty interesting too!

I don’t really have pictures of this game, since it was on the PSVita, but it was fun. I would definitely recommend it! That is, if you can find a copy of it plus a PSVita. They’re pretty hard to find these days, from what I’ve heard.

I was going to post more games to suggest, but it’s about 10:30 at night here, so… I kinda need to get sleep. I hope you guys find a copy of the game and play it, because it’s really fun!

Reviewing My Steam Library – A to Z (Part 2/Game 1: Abalone)

Well, I just played close to an hour of the first playable game on my Steam Library, a simple yet challenging digital board game called Abalone. It’s sort of like Checkers in the sense that you’re supposed to claim little game pieces, but that’s where the similarities end. Click below to find the full review. Please note that absolutely nothing on this blog is sponsored and every single view is my own. I don’t get free games from developers, though that’d be pretty amazing.

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